Saturday 12 April 2008

Late for School Again!

Last Tuesday, I went to school like normal, by bus 33. I waited for like an eternity (usually I wait for 2 to 15 minutes), but the bus had not arrived. Five bus 195 went past, but not a single 33 came! It finally came after a long half an hour wait. However, it was so packed like sardines that I could not board it. My heart sank. I had no choice but to wait for the next one.

Luckily, the next bus was just behind it (obviously, bus bunching). The good news was that the bus came a minute after the previous one. The bad news was that I was going to be late. To make things worse, the bus was crawling like a tortoise and there was a traffic jam. My mind was in a whirl and my stomach was churning. Later, the bus unfortunately broke down, and the only bus I could take from that bus stop was still 33 since there's no 196. Several minutes later, the bus 33 came and I quickly hopped into the bus. I reached school at 8.07 am.

I had already made an effort to wake up early ever since Ms Lau (my mentor) warned me not to be late again, but I felt that it was not my fault that I was late this time.

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