Friday 19 August 2011

2011 PSLE Orals

This is posted by LL
Orals are finally over ☺. Now we can throw away all our oral stuff.

I know my drawings fail. This is the picture of the Chinese oral (1st day) stickman version:

I said that it was a classroom (课室), but my mother said that it was a students' corner (学生园地/学习角落) . The thing at the top right is a notice board (布告栏/布告版)and the paper is torn. The girl on the left is hitting the other girl with a bundle of papers. Conversation topic is about small group discussion (小组讨论/小组活动)(I am not sure), and "what have you learnt?"

This is the picture of the English oral (2nd day) stickman version.

This is a clinic. The man at the left is giving a $50 note to the cashier. The girl in the middle is sobbing uncontrollably and her hand is bandaged; the door says the doctor's name but I forgot. The two boys at the bottom right are fighting over a toy car. Conversation topic is "Have you been to the clinic? Tell me about your experience."

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