Sunday 1 April 2012

Excuse from Lessons and Exemption from Exams

Last year, I wrote a post that the letters from NUSH were rather impersonal, without names. You can see that the student's name is reflected now :)

Lim Jeck has been excused from 10 days of lessons, 5 days for each selection test. Isn't it a relief (I mean, for me) that there are only 2 selection tests? Imagine if there are 4 selection tests, he may be excused from 20 days of lessons. I haven't mentioned all the IMO prepration intensive training and IMO competition days (another 20 days?), if he gets selected again this year. What about even more days off to prepare for the coming IOI selection tests?

Lim Jeck has also been exempted from the mid year English and Chinese exams, which fall on 25 Apr. His only NUSH exam is Chemistry, on 2 May. There is no Physics exam this semester; Computer Studies only has tests, no exam. He will be taking the MA2108S and MA1104 exams (NUS modules, not under purview of NUSH) though, which are scheduled for 26 Apr and 30 Apr respectively.

Afternote on 17 April - The NTST 2 has been postponed to 29 April and 1 May, hence Lim Jeck is exempted from all NUSH exams.

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