Today, I attended the IMO National Team Training briefing at NUS Blk S16 #05 from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm. The actual training will start next Saturday (25 Oct) from 9.30am to 1pm, and it will be held every Saturday until late April 09 or early May 09. There are four lecturers/teachers in charge of the training - Mr Teo, Mr David Chia, Dr Wong Yan Loi (NUS) and Dr Tay Tiong Seng (NUS).
We got to know some maths pros of other levels from other schools. Most of them are JC1 students and I am the youngest. We played some Maths games like "24", where they would give you 4 numbers and you must make 24 by using only addition, subtraction, multiplication, division or brackets. For example, if the numbers 5, 5, 9, 9 were given, you can make 24 by 5x5-9/9. Try with numbers 1, 5, 5, 5. The answer is below.
After the briefing, I still had to go back to NUS High for a Number Theory (my Maths Elective) test. After that, I went home for my lunch (my favourite chicken rice!) at about 3.30pm.
Answer: (5-1/5)x5=24