Tuesday 13 October 2009

Another PSLE Math Qn

Another question posted on my blog:
Jim bought some chocolates and gave half of it to Ken. Ken bought some sweets and gave half of it to Jim. Jim ate 12 sweets and Ken ate 18 chocolates. The ratio of Jim’s sweets to chocolates became 1:7 and the ratio of Ken’s sweets to chocolates became 1:4. How many sweets did Ken buy?

My mother asked my younger sister to solve this question, and her solution (it is correct) is as follows:


Karmeleon said...

wow - your p4 sis is so smart! Well, so are all of you, but I'm imagining my p4 son doing that(not).

Anonymous said...

Some hot Tiong Bahru Paos (buns) were placed under a transparent plastic hood. After a few minutes , water droplets are observed to be formed on the under surface of the hood. Explain why water droplets are formed on the underside of the plastic food cover.

What is the correct answer for this question?

Martin said...

Great job.

Get more PSLE 2009 Questions & Solutions at :


teeeeecher said...

Obviously, it is not a tough question. Even Primary 4 students can do it.

From what I see, parents over-reacted over this particular question.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with teeeecher that it is a over-reaction by parents over the PSLE Math questions. This qn is clearly within a P4 Maths syllabus. While adults who are unfamiliar with models may be stumped by the qn, most children who are clear with the concepts of model drawing will find this qn a breeze (except those who were too nervous under exam pressure).

LJ's mum

Anonymous said...

Your sister is so clever to work out the PSLE difficult question! My child just looked at it and did not even try, saying that the question is too hard for him. By the way, your sister's ability seems to be beyond her cohort's, is she from the GEP as GEP kids are normally very smart.

Lim Jeck said...

None of us is from GEP. Our English is too poor :D

Lim Jeck said...
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Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!