Thursday 25 April 2024

Snapshot of NUSH Class of 2023 UK/US University Offers

NUS High School Class of 2023 University Offers (as of 1 Apr 2024)
Cohort size: ~180

UK universities:
  • 29 of 37 Cambridge applications yielded an offer
  • 4 of 10 Oxford applications yielded an offer
  • 11 offers from Imperial College (non-Medicine)
  • 9 Medicine offers from UK unis
  • 1 UCL offer
  • 4 offers at St Andrews
  • 8 offers at Glasgow
US universities:
  • 1 offer each from: MIT, Caltech, Princeton (with full scholarship), Yale, Stanford, NYU, USC, UIUC, UPenn, UVA
  • Multiple offers at Washington University-St. Louis and UC San Diego
  • 3 of 5 applicants were made offers at Purdue

NUSH Class of 2017 University Destinations and Courses taken can be found here 
NUSH Class of 2013 University Destinations and Courses taken can be found here

Wednesday 24 April 2024

China Guilin, Yangshuo, Nanning Trip 17 to 24 Apr

桂林- 龙脊梯田--阳朔--大新-靖西--大新8天7晚私人定制游

17/4 抵达南宁机场--南宁司机接送南宁动车站--乘坐动车前往桂林山水甲天下---司机接站--晚上自由活动漫步东西巷--漫步两江四湖--晚上住桂林

18/4 摄影天堂:龙脊梯田--黄洛瑶寨(少数民族风情)--午餐--平安寨(九龙五虎)--晚上自由活动--晚上住桂林

19/4 甲天下山水风光:漓江游船四星船(打卡20元人民币背面) -- 世界溶洞银子岩--邂逅【西街】-- 住阳朔

20/4 休闲在阳朔-- 小漓江人工手撑【遇龙河双人竹筏漂流】(取消)--探访陶渊明笔下的世外桃源--桂林千古情--晚上住阳朔

21/4 阳朔酒店早餐--乘车前往桂林--靖江王府独秀峰--乘坐14点动车前往南宁--南宁东接站--晚上自由活动三街两巷--住南宁

22/4 跨国秘境--德天跨国瀑布--【竹筏“小桂林”明仕田园】--晚上住明仕

23/4 天然氧吧通灵大峡谷--鹅泉--晚上自由活动锦绣古镇--住边境小镇靖西

24/4 酒店早餐--旧州古镇 ----送南宁机场乘坐14点左右航班返程

Outside a restaurant in Yangshuo

Saturday 20 April 2024

IMO 2024 Singapore Team

The 65th International Mathematical Olympiad 2024 (IMO 2024) will be held from 10 to 22 July 2024, and hosted by Bath, UK. 

The Singapore Team comprises the following students: (not in order of ranking) 
Drew Michael Terren Ramirez, NUSH Y6 (IMO 2023 Silver, 2022 Silver)
Raphael Teng Zhi Xiang, NUSH Y5
Akash Thiagarajan, NUSH Y4
Zhang Juntao, RI Y5
Yang Yihan, RI Y4
Zhao Yaoqi, HCI Y5


Monday 15 April 2024

Photos from Luxor, Egypt

with tourist aka Gennady 

with RI friend Peanut - Uni of Waterloo ICPC-2022

with NUSH friends - Jacob MIT ICPC-2023, Lim Li NUS ICPC-2022, Jeffrey NUS ICPC-2023

Team 7 Halim

Photos from Cairo, Egypt

Saturday 13 April 2024

46th and 47th ICPC World Finals Singapore Teams

The 46th and 47th Annual ICPC World Finals, hosted by The Arab Academy of Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT), will be held in Luxor, Egypt, from 14 to 19 April.

ICPC World Finals Team 2022 (7 Halim: Yehezkiel Raymundo Theodoroes, Edbert Geraldy Cangdinata and Lim Li) and Team 2023 (The Spiders from Mars: Vu Hoang Kien, Nyamdavaa Amar and Jeffrey Lee Chun Hean) with Dr Halim and Prof Tan

In transit

ICPC World Finals 2023

Schedule (competition is on April 18, Thursday)