Saturday 27 June 2009

SMO 2009 (Junior) Special Round and Start of Term 3

Today is the only Saturday that I don't have IMO training, as there is the SMO (Junior) and SMO (Senior) Special Round. I met some of my NUS High friends at NUS LT25, like Kendrick, Jonathan and Yao Rui and other friends like Jethro (RI) and Benny (HCI). After the super long 3 hours, I did all 5 questions. Ryan Chan and Kang Zi Yang (RI) took the Senior test and managed to answer all questions too. My sister took the Senior test and she did 3.

Monday is already the start of Term 3. I wish it would start earlier, since I don't have to go to school anyway. I think I will go back to school in the morning before training starts. So in other words, I have 2 weeks of training left, and after that, I will be in Germany for 2 more weeks, and perhaps after that, I might be quarantined at home for another week, for getting H1N1 or if Germany become one of the affected countries. In total, I would miss more than a month of school.

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