Saturday 7 July 2012

The Math Olympian

"The Math Olympian" novel by Richard Hoshino is an interesting read. It is about how a young girl, Bethany, who commits herself to pursuing the seemingly crazy and unrealistic goal of representing her country (Canada) at the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), and through that decision, discovers the importance of believing in herself.

I think serious Math Olympiad students and coaches will be able to identify with what the protagonist in the novel has gone through, in pursuing her dream to be a Math Olympian.

The novel is a work-in-progress. You can read the prologue and first three chapters here. (Warning: it has real Math Olympiad problems, the uninitiated (in Math Olympiad) may or may not find it challenging to follow closely to the plot of the story)

I would recommend aspiring Math Olympians to read the novel. You should be able to gain some useful insights into problem solving techniques.

Richard Hoshino was a guide for IMO Team Japan in 1995, contestant for IMO Team Canada in 1996, deputy leader observer in 2001, and deputy leader in 2003.

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