Monday 13 May 2024

FREE Introduction to Competitive Programming course

This is posted on behalf of Mr Yu.

Hello! πŸ‘‹

We are inviting you to join our Introduction to Competitive Programming course. This course is targeted for students interested in learning CS and perhaps participating in the 2025 National Olympiad in Informatics (NOI).

No prior experience is required! We will teach all the skillsets necessary to get started in competitive programming, starting from the basics of C++ syntax - don’t worry if you’ve never done programming prior to this. 

You will be trained to solve problems with an algorithmic nature, such as those found in NOI and other similar competitive programming competitions. Participants will be equipped with both the foundational tools to deconstruct such problems as well as some common methods to solve these problems.

This course is targeted towards schools who have little to no computer science resources available and due to the limited manpower those students will be given priority access.

Our experience in the field include (but are not limited to): 
-Total of 6 Gold medals in the NOI and a 4th place finish 
-Asia Pacific Informatics Olympiad (APIO) Silver and Bronze medals 
-Placing top 50 globally in Meta Hacker Cup 

No prior experience is required for this course! You can sign up through the form below.  Signups close May 20th and the course starts on June 1st

Feel free to contact us at for more information

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! I missed the sign up date and this course :( I am really keen in learning more coding, but as computing is not offered in my school, I rarely have the chance to further my interests. Heard from my friends about NOI, it sounds very interesting but I’m not sure where to start. Could I check if there will be another of such course soon? Thanks !!