Friday 27 April 2007

Jokes for fun

Let me tell you some funny jokes. You can highlight the answers below the questions.

Why did the male mushroom go to the party?
Because they wanted to look for fun girls(fungus)Why did the female mushroom go to the party?
Because they wanted to look for fun guy(fungi)Why did all the mushrooms go to the party?
Because they were more cool(mo gu)(Only chinese will know)
There was a man who wanted to marry a wife. The wife was very upset when she found out that he had married twice before. She asked the man, "What happened to the 2 wives?" The man replied, "One of them died of mushroom-poisoning." The woman asked again, "What about the other?" The man replied, "She died of a broken skull, because she did not want to eat the mushrooms."

Time is the number one murder victim.
Many people like to kill time.A teacher wrote a sentence without any punctuation: woman without her man is a savage. She asked the students to insert the punctuation in the sentence. The boys and girls had different answers.
Boys: woman, without her man, is a savage.
Girls: woman! without her, man is a savage.

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