As expected, Chinese and English are my worst subjects.
Chinese: B+ (4.0)
English: B (3.5)
Chemistry: A+ (5.0)
Physics: A+ (5.0)
Maths Calculus: A+ (5.0)
Maths Honours: A+ (5.0)
VB .Net Programming: A+ (5.0)
Kitchen Chemistry: Merit
A+ >=85 (5.0), A >=80 (5.0), A- >=75 (4.5), B+ >=70 (4.0), B >=65 (3.5), etc.
Overall, I am happy with my CAP/Semestral GPA of 4.7.
Teachers' Comments
Chinese 2B - Jeck writes well but he has to maintain consistency in his performance. He is a pleasant student who is capable of attaining better results.
Foundation Chemistry 2 - Lim Jeck has done well in this module. He has no difficulty understanding the concepts taught, and is able to acquire new knowledge quickly, as well as transfer his knowledge to other contexts. He has very high academic potential.
Kitchen Chemistry - Lim Jeck is a bright boy who shows interest in the practical sessions. He has the ability to do better for the module with more consistent effort to produce quality work.
Introduction to Visual Basic .NET Programming - Lim Jeck is a very bright boy who has the potential to do well in computing. He is always able to pick up the concepts taught quickly and apply them immediately to a problem posed. He is strongly encouraged to explore further in the area of computing.
Language for Literary and Functional Purpose - Jeck is a sincere and cheerful student who takes pride in his work. However, he should seek help whenever in doubt. Do participate more actively in class discussions too!
Calculus I - Jeck is well above his peers in terms of his mathematical talent.
Polar Coordinates, Parametric and Vector Functions - Jeck is well-behaved and attentive in class. He does all his assignments and submits them punctually. He has shown great enthusiasm in his learning.
Foundational Physics II - Lim Jeck is a smart student whose strong Math foundation helps him a lot in Physics. He is capable of independent work of excellent quality. His potential in Physics should be treated equally as his Math.
Mentor Remarks : Conduct: Very Good. Jeck is a polite, cheerful and humble student who has done extremely well in the various Mathematics competitions, bringing much glory to the school. Despite his numerous achievements, he treats his peers humbly and adopts a serious attitude towards his studies, in pursuit of even better results. However, he should learn to speak up more in class.
Tomorrow is the last day of school, and holidays begins!