Tuesday 28 May 2024

SMO 2024 (Senior Section) Answers

SMO 2024 Senior Questions

SMO 2024 (Senior Section) Answers
1. D
2. B
3. D (edited)
4. A
5. D
6. 64
7. 242
8. 506
9. 3
10. 2048
11. 145
12. 8099
13. 128 (edited)
14. 965
15. 25
16. 40
17. 9
18. 160
19. 72
20. 609
21. 521 (edited)
22. 129
23. 21
24. 94
25. 26

The above SMO Senior answers are provided by Mathlete Training Centre and Way Tan. Refer here for MTC's worked solutions (考题解答). Watch Way's solution review here.


Anonymous said...

Question 3 should be D and Question 21 should be 521.

Anonymous said...

Question 13 should be 128

Anonymous said...

Shouldn’t 13 be 32

Anonymous said...

Any estimate for HM/Bronze/Silver cutoff?

Anonymous said...

shouldnt Q7 be 200

Anonymous said...

Was this year harder than last year

Anonymous said...

A lot harder!

Anonymous said...

what was the R2 cutoff this year

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the cutoff for gold silver and bronze this year?

Rasel said...

Get job at careerbazar

Rasel said...

convert var to sq ft