This semester, my most-like to least-like modules are:
1. CS2201 Visual Basic .NET Programming. Initially I was on waiting list for this elective. Luckily they open a 2nd class due to its popularity, I am so very lucky as programming is my favourite! But I will be missing 4 weeks of this module :-(
2. MA4109 Calculus I. I heard that this module is comparable to calculus courses at college and university level. Guess it would be tough.
3. MA4401 Polar Coordinates, Parametric and Vector Functions. This is an honours module.
4. CM2104 Foundation Chemistry 2
5. PC2110 Foundational Physics II. This semester, we should be learning electric & magnetic forces and simple circuit knowledge.
6. EL2105 Language for Literary and Functional Purpose
7. CL2102 Chinese 2B
8. HY2101 Southeast Asia – From Colony to Nation (Selected Countries)
9. PE. I am lucky that I can skip this for 4 weeks :-)
Good thing about this Semester is, there is no Biology module. Also, I will just be sitting in for History - no projects, tests and exams. That means, all my modules are mostly subjects that do not need memorising/studying. Yay!