Friday 17 May 2013

Mathematical Medley Vol 38 No. 2

Saw the following from the Singapore Mathematical Society publications webpage,

and ordered a copy.

Report on the 53rd IMO, Singapore Team

Now I know why Lim Jeck had not brought home the IMO 2012 folders containing the questions and his solutions scripts.

Solution to Problem 3, the hardest problem in IMO 2012. Only 8 out of 548 participants could solve it completely.

3rd hardest problem. 86 participants could solve this problem completely. Seems like a short solution to me. 

Solution to Problem 6, the second hardest question. Only 10 participants solved it completely.
Solutions to Qn 1, 2 & 4 are not included here. Go buy the Mathematical Medley if you want to see the solutions to these questions. :D


Anonymous said...

"Maybe..." oi steal my signature reply xD

Sanket said...

Hi LJ‘s mum.
Jeck has used words like "blah, blah, blah" and "trust me" in his IMO paper. Is such informal-ness allowed? Just curious.
P.S. Heartiest congratulations to Jeck for the Gold in APhO.

LJ's mum said...

Hi Sanket,

Yes they are allowed as long as the solution is complete and has no "holes". He was trying to be funny by adding such comments I guess. There is one part in Problem 3, he wrote, let d=1.999907026031062 some random digits, those are his teachers' favorite numbers 7, 26, 31 and his favorite 62. In some other competitions or selection tests, sometimes he got bored after finishing too early, and he would start to think of new solutions ie he provided a few alternative solutions instead of 1 solution, to the problem.

Thanks :)